Support The Artistic Process

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Donations go directly to the artists involved.

The Level Edge Encounter

Friday Evenings In June:

A series of Sited Performances at the East River

beginning at 6:30 pm

A practice of presence within a rapidly changing landscape

Bushwick Inlet Park

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It is an activation, my form of prayer outside of a codified system, a petition to the immaterial, a showdown with fear and anxiety.

Excited to be dancing with these amazing musicians and sound artists

June 7th Shahzad Ismaily

June 14th Surprise Guest

June 21st Aaron Taylor Kuffner

June 28 Daniel Pencer


Performances coincide with a crowdfunding campaign to support projects about corporeal relationships to sites and environments and the elements found there. It is my first campaign of this sort. It supports my desire for participation within community through creative endeavors and experiences related to our bodies and their surroundings.